Sunday, June 21, 2015

The entire weekend including Friday has been spent dealing with drainage issues around the barn, garden and basement. It was my plan to move all my seedlings from the greenhouse into the garden area in either pots or raised beds. However, strong winds and torrential downpours had other plans. My horses were sinking to their hocks in muck while getting in and out of their stalls and the goats were skirting around puddles and hiding from dripping rain water that seemed to come from everywhere. I had to do something. With pitchfork, shovel and pick I set out to move water. I dig ditches and trenches and moved muck and sludge. I closed off outside doors to horse stalls and fashioned a barricade inside the main entrance to the barn. My mother, God rest her soul, is I'm sure not happy... Horses in the middle of the barn as their place of refuge. As I sit finally after a 14 hour day, it is odd to see the front door of the barn wide open and horse faces peeking out.
Even though I did a fraction of what I set out to do, I feel as if I accomplished something. My garden in still a pool, my basement still has water, laundry and household chores are by no means complete, but my animals as safe, fed, and dry.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Rain, rain's changed my day

All this rain has my garden under water, along with my basement. I have made the decision to salvage as many of my vegetable starts as I can by adding more raised beds and adding containers to my garden space. I had anticipated more raised beds, but not necessarily at this time, however I have no choice. 
Basically what this means to my loyal and dedicated customers is that I will NOT be at the market tomorrow. As I always tell my husband, our projects always take longer and cost more then we expect, this one is no execption and is eating into my baking day. However, it is a must if we want any fresh produce for the remainder of the season.
I will miss seeing you all and promise to come back strong on the 27th!